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5 ways to optimize supply chain management with location intelligence

Allia Ward

Geospatial data and supply chain optimization 

The global supply chain is complex, which is why it is imperative that you have a plan to navigate it efficiently and ensure that you are ready for peak periods. That said, your data will be key in handling year-round shopping as smoothly as possible. 

Geospatial data should be the foundation of your plan, as geospatial data intelligence is the sum of knowledge you have on how to navigate the massive global network of carriers, services, and warehouse locations efficiently. 

Most bottlenecks occur at physical distribution centers; rail ramps, ocean terminals, shipping centers, and customs are the most common places where supplies and products are held up. Therefore, the ability to predict and plan for these interruptions can make all the difference in securing repeat business with your customers. Accurate, timely geospatial data is at the heart of making sure this issue does not catch you off-guard. 

Geospatial data for reliable product tracking

Geospatial data gives you visibility into your product’s location at all times, making it possible to predict and overcome various delivery challenges. Imagine a customer calls the customer service department to make sure their package will arrive in time for a celebration or the holidays. Without geospatial intelligence, the customer service representative can only provide hopeful assurances. If something goes wrong and the package does not arrive on time, it can likely result in a refund or an unhappy customer who will never return. What’s more, the same customer may share their negative experience with your business online, and if this cycle continues over time, your reputation can certainly be affected. 

On the flip side, imagine that a customer service representative can contact the shipping department or view a product’s location on their device. Now, they can tell a customer where it is and when it will arrive, with confidence. If a delay is anticipated, then there is time to intervene and correct it. 

Using this example, you can see how having accurate, timely geospatial data can turn a potentially negative interaction into a positive one. It’s worth nothing that businesses also use  additional data attributes, like geocoordinates and grid references to improve their geospatial data. They may also rely on platforms that use artificial intelligence and machine learning to coordinate data points and predict product locations. 

Five ways location intelligence and its technology can help improve supply chain management: 

  1. Internet of things (IoT) devices 
    The IoT is an environment of interconnected devices that send data and allow continual updates of their location with no human input necessary. They include smart devices like vehicles, containers, and home electronics. The location technology keeps track of where the device is located and sends it to a central location at a certain frequency, much like the geolocation on your smartphone.

  2. Geofencing and RFID technology
    Radio-frequency identification (RFID) technology can be used for tracking things like shopping containers and delivery vehicles. This technology can also be used to create geofencing that can tell you when a product leaves an area within a certain boundary.

  3. Check-in and check-out locations
    This is one of the more common tracking systems in use. With this system, the delivery driver can scan a barcode on a package that tells the central computer when the item entered and left the facility. This type of location intelligence system can maintain specific details and help customer service representatives feed accurate information to customers. The disadvantage of this system, when compared to completely automated systems, is that it needs human input and takes time.

  4. Route planning and optimization
    Logistics optimization software is available to help plan efficient routes and alert downstream locations when they can expect to receive the products. This allows them to plan their staffing, space needs, and any special handling. Advance warning for all elements of the supply chain means more efficient delivery and happy customers for everyone. 

  5. Improved agility and risk management
    Let’s say your customer’s package gets delayed by an unforeseen storm along the route. With accurate and timely geospatial data, you can be alerted to take action and prevent a negative experience. You might be able to reroute the package to avoid the snowstorm or have the product shipped from a different branch. This reduces the risk of loss and allows you to be agile enough to adapt to unforeseen circumstances.

Be prepared with geospatial data solutions

Supply chain optimization begins with gooddata qualityto ensure accurate geolocation data. Contact us today to learn more aboutaddress validation and what it can do to optimize your supply chain management. 


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