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4 best practices to improve your business's email deliverability

Ashly Arndt

Email marketing is a great way to connect with your customers, build a valuable relationship with your audience, and share key information about your business. Regardless of what industry your business lands in, email will inevitably be a key channel for communicating with your audience and converting users into dedicated clients. 
But, the success of your email marketing strategy depends highly on your ability to maximize your email deliverability rates. After all, your emails can only create a wave of impact if they successfully reach their intended recipients. In this article, you’ll learn how to combine the power of data with a few key deployment tactics in order to reap the greatest level of email marketing success. 

4 tips to enhance your email deliverability rates

You want to create a stronger connection to your audience, promote your brand, and share key business updates quickly and efficiently. Here’s a look at 4 tips that will help you achieve just that:

1. Clean your email list

Your team has put tremendous effort into growing your email list. So, by default, you may assume that having such an extensive list of email subscribers means you’re one step closer to email marketing success—right? Well, that’s not always the case. 
Bigger does not always equate to better, especially when it comes to customer data. Your email marketing initiatives are only as effective as the accuracy of your contact data. This means that cleaning your email list is not only important, it can make or break the success of your email marketing tactics. 
Invest in email cleansing with the help of simple and straightforward software that will scrub your email list and remove any spam recipients or spam complainers—individuals who mark your email as spam. Reducing the rate of messages marked as spam works favorably for your business because it reduces the risk of your key messages redirecting to your users’ spam folder in the future. 

1. Leverage email triggers

Sometimes, sending too many general emails can leave your user feeling as though your messages are never applicable to their own preferences. Enter email triggers into the equation—an automation process that sends specific emails to customers based on a ‘triggered’ event.  
How does it work? First, you start by customizing what events will trigger an email. These can include actions such as: 

  • Welcome emails: for recipients who are newly subscribed to your email list. 
  • Transaction emails: for individuals who have purchased something, signed up for an event, etc. 
  • Abandoned cart emails: for customers who have not finalized a purchase, but who have added items to a virtual cart 

Email triggers can also keep your email list fresh and clean by sending out retention and reactivation emails after a given amount of time, ensuring that your email subscribers are still active and engaged with your messaging. As an added bonus, the automation aspect makes this an effortless process for businesses by removing the need to manually create and send emails yourself.

3. Create engaging messages (without appearing spammy)

How often do your judge an email by the subject line and leave your emails unread? Given that research studies show that most industries experience, on average, an open rate of 21.33%1, we’re betting that nearly 80% of your inbox goes largely untouched, too. Because your audience is only likely to open about 1 in 5 emails as well, it’s important to convince them that what you have waiting inside the message is click-worthy and worth their time. How do you do this? By creating engaging messages that avoid appearing spammy or similar to junk mail. 
As a general rule of thumb, it’s a good idea to avoid the use of excessive punctuation marks, all caps, or the use of emojis—all of which can misconstrue your emails as spam. You’ll be surprised how effective an appealing and to-the-point message truly is when it comes to email deliverability and open rates. When possible, use personalized messaging with attention-grabbing messages that your email recipients simply can’t refuse to open. 

4. Be consistent and give subscribers options

Sending emails consistently is a great way to keep your business and branding top of mind for consumers. If your audience only hears from you periodically throughout the year, it makes it easier to forget about your branding—especially taking into consideration the amount of marketing influence they’ll receive from your competitors each day.  
Figure out a cadence that suits your company and try to stick to this posting schedule. When possible, give your audience the option to opt-in to certain emails to give them the ability to choose which updates they’d like to receive from your company. A preference center not only helps with email subscription retention rates but also limits the chance of your emails ending up in a spam folder—a benefit that will greatly increase your email deliverability rates. 

Data and email deliverability go hand in hand

The truth is, data and success are collective—and email marketing is no exception. In order to grow your business and reach your intended audience effectively, access to clean, up-to-date and accurate customer data will be a necessary prerequisite. Fortunately, getting started with email verification is simple.




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