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What is a single customer view?

A single customer view is a holistic record of all the data a company has relating to an individual customer.

Why does a consolidated customer view matter?

of businesses believe that a single customer view leads to cost savings.

Only 15% of businesses claim to have an effective SCV in place.

of organizations will eventually attempt an single customer view initiative. 

* Source: 2017 Global Research Report

Understand the top barriers to gaining a single customer view

This year, as with last, an increase in customer retention or loyalty is the biggest driver in achieving a single or complete view of the customer. Did you know? 95% of companies are looking to achieve a single customer view.

  • The volume of information is too great
  • Lack of data standardization
  • There are too many disparate data sources
  • Data technology does not support a single customer view
  • There is no data oversight

Make informed decisions

When customer information is held in disparate systems, obtaining a clear customer view can be difficult and limit business opportunities. By controlling data, businesses hope to:

Consumers interact through multiple channels and unless the accounts are consolidated into a single database, it can be almost impossible to gain a complete view.

Organizations need to prevent inaccurate and duplicate data from entering their system.

Having one database with clean, standardized and duplicate-free data makes organizations more efficient and effective.

Is your organization’s data capable of obtaining a single customer view?

An SCV begins and ends with data quality. Make sure the information you’ve collected is clean, accurate, and ready for use.

Are you guilty of storing data in silos? Get the full picture by pooling data from every source.

Enrich existing data to improve your understanding of each customer’s lifestyle and needs.


Learn more about the data cleansing, management, and insight resources we offer.

Many businesses struggle to create an accurate, consolidated and accessible database. In fact, just 15 percent of organizations claim to have an effective single customer view in place. Common challenges include a high degree of poor contact data, disparate databases, departmental siloes and poor searching functionality.

We can help you overcome these challenges by providing a comprehensive solution to help you improve the accuracy of your data. Our service team is committed to helping companies gain insight from their data.