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eCommerce ROI tool

Poor data quality can cost your business lost revenue each year —but it doesn’t have to. Address validation can strengthen your data quality and enhance your return on investment. Experian’s easy-to-use address validation calculator forecasts undeliverable shipments and highlights the return address validation can bring.

Try our ecommerce ROI calculator tool for free

See how you can save with address verification.
*Estimates are based on industry averages

Total number of customer addresses to be validated:
Estimated percentage of bad records (Typically 10 - 20%):
Average order value/shipment:
Average number of shipments/month:

About Experian's eCommerce ROI calculator

Our address verification tool helps you reduce the number of faulty addresses coming into your database and avoid unnecessary costs. Our address verification ROI calculator uses information about your current data quality to highlight how you can save from implementing address verification.

Once you enter your data and press “Calculate”, the tool will estimate the likely annual cost of bad data. This estimate is based on expected address correction fees, additional labor costs, and the cost of replacing lost packages.

The calculator also highlights the expected return on investment (ROI) from spending on address validation. Because bad contact data generates expensive outcomes, you can expect a high ROI

The benefits of address verification 

Experian’s address verification tools help you maintain a database of accurate, valid, and properly formatted addresses starting at the point of entry. These tools make sure that your shipments reach your customers. As a result, you can:

  • Strengthen customer relationships
  • Save time correcting errors
  • Reduce return mail
  • Cut costs on shipping materials
  • Boost mail marketing initiatives
  • Maintain a strong brand image

Our tools can easily integrate your CRM and eCommerce system to provide real-time verification and keep your database clean from the start. We provide verification for over 245 countries so you can reach your customers worldwide.

Frequently asked questions

How does bad data quality affect eCommerce ROI?

Investing in marketing materials and shipping materials is worth it if it leads to conversions and happy customers. However, with bad address data, your shipments won’t reach customers, wasting time and money. With enough failed deliveries, your brand image will start to suffer, and your business may lose valuable customers.

How does address verification improve eCommerce ROI?

To guarantee deliverability, address verification ensures you maintain a database with correctly formatted and accurate addresses. By avoiding poor address data quality, you avoid return mail, failed deliveries, lost investments, and wasted time that all affect your bottom line.

How can Experian’s address validation calculator help?

It’s difficult to fix a problem that you don’t know exists. Experian’s reverse ROI calculator shows you all of your potential losses and possible savings from shipping each year, helping to quantify the effects of address validation and bad data. Then, your business can turn to tools that help maintain a database of accurate, deliverable, and properly formatted addresses.

Discover how Experian address verification can boost your ROI

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